To improve the visitor experience and to promote Blackpool Town centre as a safe, clean place to do business, work, visit, shop and dine.

To Enhance The Safety Of Blackpool Town Centre

  • Continue to provide a visual presence of on-street BID Wardens across the Town Centre.
  • Continue to provide daily security support.
  • Continue to provide BID CCTV operators in the CCTV control room.
  • Continue to operate and grow the Shopwatch business retail against crime initiative, utilising the national DISC database approved by ACPO.
  • Continue to operate and grow the Pubwatch Scheme to safely promote the early evening and night-time economy.
  • Continue to work closely with the local authority, police and other bodies for intelligence gathering to enable action to be taken against anti-social behaviour and other unacceptable actions.

To Improve The Environment In The Town Centre

  • Provide additional daily cleaning service across the whole of the BID area.
  • Continue with the removal of graffiti and fly-posting.
  • Take appropriate action regarding illegal fly-tipping.
  • Continue to clean Town Centre street furniture.
  • Investigate the viability of expanding and improving our cleaning services.
  • Continue to regularly clean the shopfronts of empty premises.

To Develop A More Attractive Town Centre Street Environment

  • Investigate the viability of adding seasonal decorations throughout the BID area, such as floral planters and bunting etc.
  • In partnership with others, explore the potential to create casual areas that visitors can utilise in their leisure time.
  • Continue to clean Town Centre street furniture.
  • Work with landlords and authorities to improve the street visuals by the provision of attractive decals on the windows of empty premises.
  • Continue to identify and report faults in the street environment and lighting.

To Give Members A Collective Voice To Promote The Town Centre

  • Use our independent resources and the financial capacity to influence and inform key decisions that are vital to the Town Centre.
  • We will lobby Blackpool Council and other regional agencies on behalf of Town Centre businesses.
  • We will have regular meetings with senior Blackpool Council political leaders and officers to robustly represent the views of the BID community.
  • Provide a focus point for ideas and collaboration between all Town Centre businesses regardless of sector.
  • Continue to gain growth across social media platforms to enhance and promote the Town Centre businesses.
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